Product details
Option Details:
This option includes a one-hour installation of FDRS (Ford Diagnostic and Reprogramming Software) and basic training, which covers token purchase instructions.
About Mongoose-Plus Ford2:
Mongoose-Plus Ford2 is a cost-effective, high-performance reprogramming vehicle interface designed specifically for Ford vehicles. It has undergone rigorous testing and validation for compatibility with Ford vehicles and has received official approval from Ford. This approval extends to its use with Motorcraft Ford Module programming software, encompassing all module flash programming, PATS key programming, and fundamental diagnostic functions.
Software Purchase Required:
Please note that this offering includes the hardware component only. The necessary software must be acquired separately from Ford Service info.
Key Features:
- Compatible with diagnostics on all models covered by FDRS
- Ford-approved and validated for module programming using the FMP (Ford Module Programming) software.
- Capable of reprogramming most Ford ECMs (Engine Control Modules) through the FMP reprogramming application.
- Enables the performance of PATS (Passive Anti-Theft System) Security Key functions.
- Equipped with a detachable USB cable for convenient field replacement when needed.
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